ZERO EMISSIONS Truck and Bus Purchase Vouchers
Through the Hybrid and Zero Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project
(HVIP) and Low NOx Engine Incentives, the California Air Resources Board
provides vouchers to eligible fleets to reduce the incremental cost of qualified
electric, hybrid, or natural gas trucks and buses at the time of purchase.
Vouchers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Only fleets that
operate vehicles in California are eligible. Voucher amounts vary depending on
whether the vehicles are located in a disadvantaged community. For more
information, including a list of qualified vehicles and other requirements, visit
the HVIP website.

Zero Emission Transit Funding
The California Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program offers vouchers of up to $50,000 for the purchase of zero-emission vehicles, infrastructure, planning, outreach, and operations projects in low income and disadvantaged communities. For more information, visit the Clean Mobility Options website.
Volkswagen (VW) Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Investment Plan
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) approved the VW California ZEV Investment Plan. As required by the October 2016 2.0-Liter Partial Consent Decree, VW must invest $800 million over ten years to support the increased adoption of ZEV technology in California. VW will submit a series of four 30- month cycle ZEV investment plans to ARB for approval. ARB has approved the Cycle 2 plan, covering July 2019 through December 2021. The Cycle 2 plan includes building a basic charging network, public outreach, education, and marketing, and ZEV access projects. ZEV infrastructure rollouts will be focused in nine metropolitan areas. VW will continue access efforts in Sacramento, with the goal of offering residents a better quality of life through enhanced mobility and improved air quality. For more information, visit the Electrify America Investment Plan website and ARB’s VW Settlement website.
Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) and Near-ZEV Weight
ZEVs and near-ZEVs may exceed the state’s gross vehicle weight limits by an amount equal to the difference of the weight of the near-zero emission or zero emission powertrain and the weight of a comparable diesel tank and fueling system, up to 2,000 pounds. A ZEV is defined as a vehicle that produces no criteria pollutant, toxic air contaminant, or greenhouse gas emissions when stationary or operating. A near-ZEV is a vehicle that uses zero emission technologies, uses technologies that provide a pathway to zero emission operations, or incorporates other technologies that significantly reduce vehicle emissions. (Reference California Business and Professions Code 12725 and California Vehicle Code 35551)
Zero-Emission Transit Bus Tax Exemption
Zero-emission transit buses are exempt from state sales and use taxes when sold to public agencies eligible for the Low Emission Truck and Bus Purchase Vouchers. This exemption expires January 1, 2024. (Reference California Revenue and Taxation Code 6377).